I have been politically neutral and rather uninterested in politics since a long time. Only now at the age of 57 years, i started observing large scale violations of democracy and abuse of power by the BJP-RSS.
RSS experience – When i was young, i have attended their programs and camps and even gone around the city with others on their awareness drives.
I tolerated much of their negativity related to religion and congress, out of compassion alone. Now i regret having been nice to these people.
The BJP-RSS are a clear threat to Democracy and the Freedom of Indians. They are after total control of India for Commercial reasons, to favor the business groups that have powered them for years.
When i perceived and studied more about their history and patterns, their ultimate plan for India, i was Stunned and Shocked.
So i decided to write and a blog was started in https://vk24india.wordpress.com/ called secular India. Now it is Mirrored in https://vk24.dact.in/ called Mission VK24.
I feared that if Congress INC does not come to power in the next election; the Hindutwa groups will convert India into a Senate controlled Hindu nation and rename it Bharat. They would change the legal system, dissolve the courts and end the Elections and Democracy. This has been a dream of these people even before the Independence of India.
So i decided to promote and support Congress INC and Rahul Gandhi to end this menace and save Indian Democracy; to safeguard the freedom of Indians.
I felt Hindutwa can only be sanitized by the ideology of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and searched in the web to get this link..
The “World Is A Family” verse of Maha Upanishad is engraved in the entrance hall of the Parliament Of India.
On May 16, 2023 i made a Social Post expressing my feelings.
On May 22, 2023 an Attack lead to banning of my account.
On May 23, 2023 i created a page in two blogs, more immune to attack
Thanks to democracy in other parts of the world and free people, i was back online in two days.
In a few days Parliament House inauguration was announced, A Panic reaction by the BJP-RSS and its Media team. 28 May 2023 the inauguration was done in way to get maximum publicity for them.
Also i noticed many of these new government buildings and renovations are having a Saffron Stripe and Patterns; it seems to be in sync with their grand plan of total control on the Indian Subcontinent.
I suggest adding all the colors of Indian Flag to correct this saffronisation.
The Parliament House – Sansad Bhavan – in New Delhi is the seat of the Parliament of India. It houses the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. … A new parliament building was constructed in New Delhi. It was inaugurated on 28 May 2023 ….
Let us all unite to Fight this danger to Democracy and Freedom for Indians. Throw out the BJP-RSS from Power. This is the only way.
Yeh Besharmi Ki Height Hai
The Big Leader has a even bigger Digital Brand Media Team. What do they do ?
They steal ideas, thoughts, phrases, quotes from the web. Then they paste it on paper, Leader makes a grand Speech.
My own writing, ideas and thoughts have been plagiarized since 8 years. How blatant and shameless is this daylight robbery of Intellectual Property.