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YGF Group

YelOrn Gang Family

Dedicated to the “YelOrn Gang Family” or YGF. They came to Power by using Religion, Bribing, Corruption and Exploiting the Poor People. They are now spreading globally and trying to manipulate businesses and governments in various countries.

The intention is to build Awareness in the Public and Media about what is really happening under a cloak of cunning deception and viral publicity.

The YelOrn group of many organizations and associations are collective known as “YelOrn Gang Family” or YGF. This Group started their activities as early as 1920. It was formed by a Group of Greedy Businessmen and Religious Fanatics to Hijack the Freedom Movement of India solely for Commercial Gains. Many Innocent and Naive youngsters are lured, misled and trapped into the various wings of this dangerous group.

YelOrn Gang Family

They have one Political Association with sweet talking people for Media and Public. They have another for carrying out Violent and illegal Activities. They also have a Financial wing for gray money laundering and buying politicians. The Business development wing includes Patronized Smuggling, Selective Tax Evasion and Strategic Black-marketing.

The most dangerous division of YGF is the “Terror and Extermination Cell”. This cell has links with Terrorist Groups all over the World. This cell is activated when they want to Kill or Assassinate an Uncooperative Bureaucrat, Businessman or Politician; who is coming in the way of their Ambitious Goals. They execute their crime and put the blame on some Innocent people. They also make rival groups clash and manage Riots like an Event; in order to progress in their demonic deeds.

The YGF is spreading its tentacles all over the world including USA and the European Union. Their Ultimate goal is to Control Global Supply Chains, Energy Distribution Systems and Data Networks.

In the front end they have Foot Soldiers; these are much exploited and innocent youth who are misled into doing dangerous activities for this hideous organization. They are called Self Service Specialists or SSS and form the 3S Army.

Their new Innovation is that of building a Global Temple Network to coordinate their activities of espionage, political meddling, money laundering. These places also serve as a center for covert and sinister business lobbying. In short a HQ for that region under a cloak of innocent religious activities.

They also control a Island Network of small nations and puppet leaders. This is used for parking their ill gotten wealth and global smuggling operations. Smuggling, Money Laundering, Drugs and Gambling is the culture of this group. hiding behind a cosmetic Innocence of protecting religion.

YelOrn Gang Family is a work of Fiction made for the purpose of Edutainment. Education and Entertainment. It was written by me to build the awareness of the public. It Exposes how some Politicians are using Religion to get votes using Dramatic events like destroying Ancient Archeological and Historic Monuments and building New Places of Worship. Fooling the public by causing Fear, Social Unrest and Emotional Harassment.