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Toots of DACT Media

30 entries.
DACT Media
Focus on Knowledge and Work to Make India a Futuristic Nation.

Religion, Cults, Superstition, Fanatical Rituals and Beliefs will take India back to the Dark and Bleak Pagan Ages.
DACT Media
The Habitat, Land, Livelihood of Poor People, Dalits, Tribals are Threatened.

Their homes Grabbed by Businessmen and their Political friends in the Name of development.

These things push more exploited people to become Naxalites to save themselves from the greed of these businessmen and politicians.

When a Naxalite is shot dead a Dalit, Tribal or Exploited Farmer is shot dead.
DACT Media
India needs a New Party free of Religious or Caste bias. A forward thinking people centric party. Such a party will be a worthy addition to Indian democracy.
DACT Media
Do not Encourage Hindu Fanatics or unhealthy ideas like Hindutva.

Do not send your children to RSS Camps. These Training camps will have a negative impact on their Lives. They tend to brainwash the tender Minds of Youngsters.
DACT Media
BJP is not only outdated, they are making dangerous mistakes and is becoming a National Security Threat.

There are some good and broadminded people with modern outlook in the BJP, they should break away and form a new Party.

New India Cosmopolitan And Modern Party - NICAMP

It has to have a new name and you can use Rose as the Election Symbol.
DACT Media
Every Patriot of India should strive to prevent our Country slipping into the Tentacles of a Dangerous Religious Mafia; they are slowly taking control of the entire system by infiltrating their gang members into every department, assembly or association.
DACT Media
The Poll results of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat appear to be Extremely Fishy. That is my Gut feel.
DACT Media
Historically they fomented misunderstanding within Congress leaders due to which both C. Rajagopalachari and K. M. Munshi left Congress. These are just examples of the vicious acts of the Sangh Parivar people who did not want Harijans, Dalits and Tribals to come up in the Social Order.

Mahatma Gandhi and Congress wanted Harijans and Dalits to become more educated, capable and rise in Society as Productive and Skilled Individuals.
DACT Media
The Shiv Sena problem has been artificially precipitated by BJP using Money Power. They have Hijacked the Maharashtra Govt. using their Financial Clout.

Breaking Shiv Sena is just one Example, The BJP split the Janata Party a dream of Jayprakash Narayan into pieces. They splintered the Janata Party after using them to come to power. They did not like to be ruled by Janata Leaders so the cut them down into small units.
DACT Media
The Saffron Brigade is spending a Lot of Money for making Fake Patriotic and History Movies on India.

These movies are attempting to rewrite history in their favor.

These Absurd movies are as fraudulent as their Ideology and their clandestine proxy Leadership.


Toots and Messages