Oh Rama, they destroyed a monument of your Warrior who protected Bharat for decades.
Then they also set fire to their own people while they were traveling.
Later put the blame on their rivals to cause them to revolt and killed them.
They said the sacrifices were made to build a Monument for you oh Rama.
Brainwashing the masses, by bribing & threats took away your Throne.
The Asuras who misused your name to get power and wealth are being worshiped as Gods.
Please Establish Dharma in Bharat and Drive away the Asuras who Stamped on Dharma.
Appeal by Anantha Narayan – 3 Apr 2023
Vote for any party in theĀ I.N.D.I.A Coalition powered by INC. Save India and Protect our Secular Democracy. INC Congress is impartial to all religions.
May all live in Harmony and peace. Be united and Alert.
Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Parsis and many more including Atheists.
Buddhists and Jains; Shivas and Vishnavas; Tribals and Adivasis.
Save our country which has fallen into the hands of dangerous divisive forces.
(Do not Encourage Parties like BJP-RSS which is powered by Religious Fanatics)